Friday, February 26, 2010

Happy Inappropriate Card Day!

February 26th is officially Inappropriate Card Day! You may ask yourself, what exactly is this would-be holiday? A coworker of mine actually started it years ago, and it has since developed a cult following that continues to grow every February. Essentially, Inappropriate Card Day offers you the chance to get rid of some of those extra Hallmark cards in the drawer at home that seem to have outlived their usefulness, or you can go ahead and purposely make a card for someone that clearly doesn’t fit who they are. For instance, last year one of my bosses at work gave me a “Happy First Birthday Card” on Inappropriate Card day, which by the way I still have up in my office at work.

To learn more about the origins of this unusual, but increasingly popular holiday, checkout Diesel Kroese’s post on his blog Mattress Police where he explains his “invention” in a little more detail. It’s also a pretty cool blog. Remember, it’s called Inappropriate Card Day because it’s supposed to make the recipient of your inappropriate card laugh. Otherwise the potential joyfulness of this fun holiday could backfire on you. You can also checkout more on this by looking up Rob “Diesel” Kroese on Facebook, where he has set up a following for this holiday he began many years ago.

This holiday is just one of the many ways in which the written word can enrich relationships with those that you know. Also, I’d like to thank everyone for the responses I received from people regarding the single sentence story contest I began yesterday. Please feel free to keep emailing, blogging, or facebooking these great one sentence gems to me. The best of these I will post next week (probably on Tuesday). Until then happy Friday, and enjoy your weekend!

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