Friday, August 12, 2011

The Most Interesting Man in the World

His shopping lists have been called poetry. His bird bath attracts bald eagles. He bowls overhand. He is the “most interesting man in the world.”

Lots of bloggers tend to post 'funny Fridays' on their blog, and although I don't normally do that, I think today warrants an exception. I love creativity wherever I see it, and I've got to say that one of the most creative concepts that makes me roll over with laughter nowadays is the Dos Equis “spokesman” who is a mythical cross between a Hemingway character and an old Chuck Norris. Even my favorite ballplayer, Brian Wilson, claims to have gotten the idea for growing out his beard from the Dos Equis guy. So, have a great weekend everyone and here are a few more interesting facts about...the most interesting man in the world. 

He's the life of parties he's never attended. Sharks have a week dedicated to him. His mother has a tattoo that reads 'son.' He once had an awkward moment just to see how it feels. He's won trophies for his game face alone. If he punched you in the face, you'd have to fight the irresistible urge to thank him. Stay thirsty my friends.


  1. Yes, those ads crack me up, especially the "He once had an awkward moment just to see how it feels."

    My life is one long awkward moment. :P

    Have a great weekend.

  2. He had a guest spot on Sports Nation earlier this year - it was a riot!

  3. Very funny. I also like those ads.

  4. Awesome. How about "He actually isn't in those commercials, he just phones them in from various locations where people have caught them on their cell phone cameras" ???

    New follower. Glad you found me.

  5. LOL. For a moment after reading your title, I though you were talking about someone real. :P

  6. I love his Spanishy accent ha ha ha.... :)

  7. I love the dos equis guy...stay thristy my friend. Sexy accent and all. Have a great weekend! :)

  8. Lol, thank guys! Have a great weekend:)

  9. Haha! He even looks a little like Hemingway too!

  10. lol: His mother has a tattoo that reads 'son.'
    So funny.
