Thursday, July 19, 2012

Goal: Read 10,000 Books in My Lifetime


Ever wonder how many books you’ve read? Or compared your reading schedule to others? After all, how many books do you have to read to be considered well-read nowadays?

Honestly, I’m not sure I have a proper answer to any of those questions, but I’ve set myself the goal of reading 10,000 books within my lifetime. That means I’ll need to keep up my pace of reading about three books a week for the next sixty years or so. Better pray for longevity and some decent reading glasses. But I figure both Thomas Jefferson and George Washington did it, along with a slew of other people before them so I might as well try.

How many books do you try to read in a given period of time? How do you gage how many books you’ve read thus far? I keep track of mine on Goodreads. So what will you be reading this weekend?

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Summer Rereading


Ever love a story so much you’ve just got to read it again? Enjoy revisiting your favorite stories once a year? Maybe you’ve got that classic sitting on your shelf that you always meant to reread?

It’s that time of year again for me where I start rereading a bunch of my favorite classics. Right now I’m working on Treasure Island! I started doing this in college and have loved it ever since. Instead of being in the usual grind of conquering one new book after the other each week, I spend some time leisurely delving into the details of some of my most treasured stories.

What are some books you’d like to reread? Tolkien? Shakespeare? Bronte? How does rereading a book make a story come alive for you?