Monday, December 10, 2012

Piracy and Editing


The freedom of the open sea. The wind at your back. Pirates and treasure just over the horizon.

These are but a few of the impressions lingering in my mind lately. After completing another round of drafts on my pirate novel Caesar’s Revenge, I’ve submitted it to a professional editor who is currently working on my manuscript. Her edits, in combination with the great feedback I’ve received from critique partners so far, has kept me both busy and inspired.

So what big projects are you working on this holiday season? What editorial process helps you along once you’ve completed your first few drafts? Interested in reading an excerpt of my current obsession/passion?  


  1. Glad it's keeping you inspired! My latest is with my publisher so edits should come back to me next month.

  2. I didn't know you were doing this, sounds epic! I'm re-writing that one book you read part of way-back-when. I got a revise and resubmit so, you know, doing what I can!

  3. This sounds like such a cool project you're working on. Just this week I've been watching the latest remake of Treasure Island (BBC production maybe?) Anyway, it's pretty good, though it's hard to overcome the shadow of Wallace Beery as Long John Silver.

  4. Sounds fun. I'm actually editing my NaNo project which is a companion novel to my book coming out in June. It has modern-day pirates. Not nice people.

  5. Glad to hear your moving right along. I'm trying to finish up a children's picture book and writing another book with another author, also need to edit my previous novel. Next year will be busy.

  6. Wonderful news about your MS getting good feedback. I bet that feels amazing!

  7. Editors are so important. The only parts of writing I struggle through are getting all the Act One events in the right order. And then nearing the end of editing, the OCD state of choosing the right words and phrasings and getting rid of all the overused and by then very ugly words. Love all the rest of it :)

  8. Yaargh! Me Matey!! I love me some pirate stories! Enjoy those edits!!

  9. Congratulations Mark! How exciting! How did you go about choosing the editor? My latest book, Galveston and the Civil War, was published in September. No book projects for me right now - for the first time in 5 or 6 years - but I am having fun reading, writing shorter-form stuff, and am going to be teaching a writing workshop at our local library in the New Year. Good luck!

  10. That's great Mark. The book is awesome. I loved it. I am thrilled you decided to send it to a professional editor.

  11. Wow. This sounds really great Mark! I'm editing two collab projects right now. And getting ready to start the second book in my series.

  12. Thanks for the support guys:) It's really appreciated:)
