Thursday, April 26, 2012


Sorry, for the lag time on my responses lately. I need to go on a brief hiatus for the next week or two, but when I get back I promise to have some new posts for you. Until then, take it easy:)


  1. Hi Mark, hope everything is alright with you and you are taking a break just to catch up with your writing. We will be waiting for your return.

    I have emailed you my last chapter as well as my views on Donald Maass' book. Looking forward to your return.

  2. A most appropriate picture. Love it.

    Take care of business and come back soon. It's not like we're going anywhere. :)

  3. We all gotta take a break to get stuff done sometimes. I'm taking a long hiatus after the A to Z challenge to get some real writing done.

  4. Hope your hiatus is going well. I like the visual :-)

  5. Whew, glad to be back...thanks for the fond wishes though:)
